The ICCF Group
We work to advance conservation governance by building political will, providing on-the-ground solutions.
Learn MoreWhere We Work
The ICCF Group has offices in the United States, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Each ICCF office is established as a separate legal entity, bound by a collaboration agreement that ensures a common purpose for all.
Learn MoreIn PictureU.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) speaks at the 2021 ICCF U.S. Congressional International Conservation Leadership Awards Dinner.
What's New
The latest advancements in conservation governance, from the cross-sectoral networks we grow and serve.
Learn MoreIn Picture2022 Launch of Caucus Brasil, or the Multiparty Parliamentary Group for Conservation and Sustainable Production of the Congress of the Federative Republic of Brazil.
A Model for Conservation
Learn how we support the caucus model for conservation, enabling parliamentarians to reach across the aisle to sponsor legislation and catalyze strategic partnerships.
Learn MoreIn PictureFrench President Emmanuel Macron at an ICCF luncheon with members of the U.S. Congressional International Conservation Caucus, Oceans Caucus, and Senate Climate Solutions Caucus.
Learn how we provide expertise to help partner nations develop protected area, wildlife management, and conservation strategies.
Learn MoreIn PictureRussell G. Moore, Land Architect, International Conservation Corps member, drawing a sketch for technical assistance to Colombia National Parks.
Learn about our Conservation Council, support an ICCF Campaign, or make a charitable gift to support our cause.
Learn MoreIn PictureFishermen from the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta in a demonstration at an IUU Fishing mission hosted by Fundación ICCF Colombia.
Our Global Presence
Now supporting 20+ nonpartisan parliamentary groups across the globe, the ICCF Group advances nonpartisan leadership in conservation by building political will among parliamentary leaders while supporting the management of protected areas through its International Conservation Corps programs.
Legislative outcomes, public-private partnerships, and land management resulting from our work demonstrate our model provides cost-effective and resilient solutions to the most pressing conservation challenges faced by governments today.
Legislative Caucus supported by the ICCF Group
Regional Headquarters