ICCF hosted a panel discussion on Food Security in Times of Global Instability moderated by Dr. Jana Plananska with panelists Chris Whatley, Executive Director, The HALO Trust USA; Michael Wurmser, Founder & Deputy CEO, Norge Mining Ltd.; and Jon Brause, Managing Director, World Food Programme, Washington, D.C.

ICCF hosted a panel discussion on Food Security in Times of Global Instability moderated by Dr. Jana Plananska with panelists Chris Whatley, Executive Director, The HALO Trust USA; Michael Wurmser, Founder & Deputy CEO, Norge Mining Ltd.; and Jon Brause, Managing Director, World Food Programme, Washington, D.C.

After more than a decade of success, food insecurity has been rapidly increasing again.

Currently, more than 345 million people face severe food insecurity and almost 830 million go to bed hungry every night (IMF, 2022). One of the key reasons for this rapid growth in food insecurity, besides the growing global population, is the unprecedented increase in food and fertilizer prices since 2020. Global food and fertilizer value chains have been severely disrupted by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This was further aggravated by export restrictions imposed by China on phosphate and fertilizer (nitrogen and phosphate based) from 2021 onwards and, even more importantly, the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February 2022.

Panelists discussed ways to achieve food security in today’s unstable world -- one of the key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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