As published in El Peruano, on January 21, 2025 the Peruvian government passed law Nº 32253, which declares February 12 as the Day of the Peruvian Amazon. This celebratory day, now on the Peruvian calendar, is the result of tireless efforts undertaken by Congress Member Karol Ivett Paredes Fonseca, who sponsored the bill in the legislature.

Congress Member Paredes currently serves as Co-Chair of the Peruvian Conservation Caucus, which closely collaborates with the ICCF Group in Lima.
In sponsoring the bill, Congress Member Paredes leveraged the nonpartisan mechanisms intrinsic to the parliamentary model we champion around the world, and consequently garnered support for her cause in a nonpartisan fashion. The result is the elevation of the Amazon's importance in the country's political and sociocultural environments, which further underpins the vital role the indigenous population plays in protecting the biosphere.
The law is designed to engage three ministries in the executive branch (environment, education, and culture), requiring each to work within their budgets to implement projects directly aimed at raising awareness of the Amazon's value for the Peruvian people and the planet as a whole.
Paredes also serves as Peru's Vice President of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), revived and now led by the Brazil conservation caucus founder and Co-Chair Senator Nelsinho Trad. Through its caucus model and with a regional approach, the ICCF Group has been actively supporting the treaty organization since 2022, bringing together parliamentarians from eight key countries to collaborate and coordinate on public policies that mutually reinforce and benefit each other across borders.